Venice masks

Sunday 7 July 2024

Neither this nor that - Imam Ahmad Raza

Is His face the day or the Sun? 
It is neither this nor that. 
It His tress the night or the musk? 
It is neither this nor that. 

The probable lacks the Prophet's certainty. 
The natural is devoid of his humanity. 
I am surprised at this perplexity. 
It is neither this nor that. 

He is a servant of God Almighty. 
He is a master of our world of probability. 
A purgatory? A divine mystery? 
He is neither this nor that.

"He is a rose," the nightingale claimed. 
"An elegant cypress!" the cuckoo exclaimed. 
The baffled wonder proclaimed. 
He is neither this nor that.

The Sunshine was so bright. 
How intense was the Moonlight! 
At the moment of the Prophet's sight. 
He is neither this nor that.

Will we get our punishment here 
or on the Day of Judgement? 
His mercy said to the sinners "Repent". 
It is neither here nor there. 

Some are proud of their devotional passion 
Some rely on the excellence of their confession 
We depend only on our compassion. 
We have neither this not that.

You waste your day in playing 
You spend your night in sleeping!
Are vou Prophet-loving or God-fearing? 
You are neithcr this nor that. 

You eat God's abundance. 
You ignore His divine guidance.
Have you a feeling of gratitude or penitence? 
You are neither this nor that.

Is Raza a melodious nightingale?
Is he a lyrical warbler in a vale? 
He is only a singer of your praises. 
Hail! He is neither this nor that.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi [Rahmatullahi Alaih or Ala'Hazrat] (1856 - 1921) India
Translated by Professor G.D. Qureshi
Source: Imam Ahmad Raza's Religious Poetry, Translated By Professor G.D. Qureshi, Vision Islamic Publications, 1996

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