Venice masks

Poetry World Map

The world map (and table) here shows the distribution of poetry on this site. I will try to keep it more or less up to date. Those marked with * aren't independent countries but are ones that I personally feel are worthy of separation.

The current map is dated 22 February 2025 - click for a larger version.

World map showing number of poems by country

I have tried to include poetry from all around the world on this site, and have at least one poem from every country (I think), except Vatican City as no one is allowed to actually be born there. Note that where a poet is from a former time, I have put their country of origin in modern terms, even though the country may not have been named the same in their time. In some cases it isn't possible to pin them down, in which case I have used a more generic country name (e.g. Korea). Finally, some poets were born in one country and lived most of their lives in another - in such cases both countries are "credited" unless they left their birthplace in childhood/infancy.

Table of countries:

Country No. poems       Country No. poems
Afghanistan  9 Luxembourg 5
Albania  14 Macedonia 8
Algeria  10 Madagascar 7
Andorra 4 Malawi  19
Angola  7 Malaysia  18
Antigua and Barbuda 6 Maldives 6
Argentina  39 Mali  8
Armenia 17 Malta 9
Australia  95 Marshall Islands 4
Austria  32 Martinique* 5
Azerbaijan  14 Mauritania 8
Bahamas 4 Mauritius 4
Bahrain  8 Mexico  40
Bangladesh 7 Federated States of Micronesia 5
Barbados  6 Moldova 6
Belarus 10 Monaco 4
Belgium  27 Mongolia  12
Belize 10 Montenegro 5
Benin 5 Morocco  15
Bhutan 5 Mozambique  11
Bolivia 10 Myanmar  5
Bonaire* 2 Namibia  7
Bosnia Herzegovina 8 Nauru 4
Botswana  10 Nepal 16
Brazil  17 Netherlands  63
Brunei 4 New Zealand  40
Bulgaria  26 Nicaragua  13
Burkina Faso 4 Niger 5
Burundi 5 Nigeria  48
Cambodia 6 North Korea  5
Cameroon  11 Northern Ireland* 7
Canada  100 Norway  26
Cape Verde  6 Oman 4
Central African Republic 6 Pakistan  24
Chad 4 Palau 5
Chile  22 Palestine  20
China  93 Panama  6
Colombia  8 Papua New Guinea 9
Comoros 4 Paraguay  10
Cook Islands 1 Persia* 22
Costa Rica 5 Peru  16
Cote d'Ivoire 4 Philippines 15
Croatia 10 Poland  76
Cuba  17 Portugal  36
Curaçao* 5 Puerto Rico* 3
Czech Republic 21 Qatar 4
Democratic Rep of Congo  6 Republic of Congo 4
Denmark  68 Romania  39
Djibouti  5 Russia  109
Dominica 4 Rwanda 6
Dominican Republic 9 Saint Kitts and Nevis 5
Ecuador  10 Saint Lucia  6
Egypt  29 Saint Vincent & the Grenadines 5
El Salvador  14 Samoa 5
England * 303 San Marino 3
Equatorial Guinea  4 São Tomé and Príncipe 3
Eritrea  9 Saudi Arabia   18
Estonia  17 Scotland* 86
Eswatini 6 Senegal   10
Ethiopia  16 Serbia   17
Fiji 6 Seychelles 4
Finland  44 Sierra Leone 11
France  170 Singapore   7
French Guiana* 5 Slovakia 6
Gabon 6 Slovenia   8
Gambia  6 Solomon Islands 3
Georgia  18 Somalia  13
Germany  158 South Africa  39
Ghana  21 South Korea  24
Greece  64 South Sudan 14
Greenland* 5 Spain  116
Guadeloupe*  4 Sri Lanka 10
Guam* 3 Sudan 10
Guatemala  7 Suriname 8
Guinea 3 Sweden  38
Guinea-Bissau 5 Switzerland  32
Guyana  9 Syria  20
Haiti  9 Taiwan 7
Honduras  6 Tajikistan 5
Hungary  27 Tanzania 14
Iceland  23 Thailand 5
India  148 Tibet* 11
Indonesia 12 Timor-Leste 3
Iran  54 Togo 5
Iraq  41 Tonga 5
Ireland  121 Trinidad and Tobago 10
Israel 28 Tunisia 8
Italy  157 Turkey  55
Jamaica  16 Turkmenistan 5
Japan  65 Tuvalu 4
Jordan 4 Uganda  29
Kazakhstan 16 Ukraine   27
Kenya  52 United Arab Emirates 4
Kiribati 6 Uruguay   19
Korea * 7 USA  199
Kosovo  5 Uzbekistan 7
Kuwait 4 Vanuatu 5
Kyrgyzstan 5 Vatican City (Holy See) 0
Laos 5 Venezuela 15
Latvia  14 Vietnam  18
Lebanon  19 Wales* 27
Lesotho  10 Western Sahara 9
Liberia 8 Yemen  6
Libya 9 Zambia  10
Liechtenstein 5 Zimbabwe  26
Lithuania   24


  1. Now if the posts were tagged and the countries above linked to that tag search... :)

  2. Hi, All the poems are tagged with country, date and author. If you want to see poems from a particular country use the tag cloud below. To pick out a country just use the browser's search function (Ctrl+F). Hope that helps :)


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