Venice masks

Thursday 3 October 2024

Since you attended my funeral, I’ll also attend yours - Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva

Since you attended my funeral, I’ll also attend yours
I’ll arrive just before the coffin
Enters the church
And join the line of weepers.
Weepers, mind you, not mourners.
Weeping is the physical evidence for Facebook
That people actually cared about you.
But mourning…
Mourning is the spiritual evidence
That people actually cared about you.
I’ll stand with the weepers
dab my eyelids and sniffle
Make sure I greet the right people.
Your great aunt
The one who hugs me so hard
That she flattens my breasts
I’ll hug your grandmother
The one whose weave gets caught in my earrings.
I’ll hug your uncle
The one whose hands rest on my bum
Like he’s kneading dough.
Since you attended my funeral
I’ll also attend yours.
I’ll place a wreath on your coffin
Pluck out the petals and leave the thorns.
I’ll deliver a eulogy
About how close we were as friends
And in the collection box
I’ll leave a copy of my HIV results
And a photo of that passionate night.

Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva (born c. 1991) Uganda

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