Venice masks

Saturday 8 June 2024

Garlanding - Teweiariki Teaero

i woke up and went east
this early dawn
before the eastern sky becomes light
to pick bwabwaku from tabwakea's land
from the top of the uritangaroa tree
flowers that are nice and better than all others
wrapped in the fragrance and
newness of dawn

i weave
flowers that are second to none
using the songs of the itibwerere

i anoint them
with the ngeaiarabo
to be your garland
your garland that is beautiful
your garland your taranga
your garland while you read here
turning the pages of this our book
going over and scrutinizing
the many ideas
in peace

i am putting on you
your garland
the irauea the korotabuki the nimwaereere
your taranga to look after others with
health peace and prosperity
you and i too

Teweiariki Teaero (20th century) Kiribati
Source: Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia, Editors:Craig Santos Perez, Emelihter Kihleng, Evelyn Flores, University of Hawaii Press, 2019

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