Venice masks

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Pan is the Speaker - Diodorus Zonas

Nereids, Nymphs of the shore, you saw Daphnis yesterday, 
when he washed off the dust that lay like down on his skin; 
when, burnt by the dog-star, he rushed into your waters, 
the apples of his cheeks faintly reddened. 
Tell me, was he beautiful? 
Or am I a goat, not only lame in my legs but in my heart too?

Diodorus Zonas [Zonas of Sardis] (1st century BC) Italy
Translated by William R. Paton
Source: The Greek anthology, Vol III, Translated by W. R. (William Roger) Paton, W. Heinemann, 1916

1 comment:

  1. This poem captures a tender longing, blending myth and nature into a fleeting yet powerful moment. The imagery of Daphnis and the speaker’s self-doubt is beautifully evocative. 🌊✨
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