Venice masks

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Who knocks in the peace of the evening so light - Lina Sandell

Who knocks in the peace of the evening so light
At your heart's door?
Who comes then with healing so pleasant and bright
To cure the heart' s sorrow and much more?

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Builders of ruins - Alice Meynell

We build with strength, the deep tower wall
That shall be shattered thus and thus.
And fair and great are court and hall,
But how fair—this is not for us,
Who know the lack that lurks in all.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

To A Mountain Daisy - Robert Burns

Wee, modest crimson-tipped flow'r, 
Thou's met me in an evil hour; 
For I maun crush amang the stoure 
Thy slender stem: 
To spare thee now is past my pow'r, 
Thou bonie gem. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

A plea - Jeanie Donnan

Rouse ye, my men, are ye sleeping or waking? 
The Motherland calls you — but calls you in vain; 
Hark to the sob from a proud heart that's breaking, 
That still you can sleep while she writhes in her pain. 

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Faith is a living pow’r from Heav’n - Petrus Herbertus

Faith is a living pow’r from Heav’n
That grasps the promise God hath giv’n,
A trust that cannot be o’erthrown,
Fixed heartily on Christ alone.

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Another September - Thomas Kinsella

Dreams fled away, this country bedroom, raw
With the touch of the dawn, wrapped in a minor peace,
Hears through an open window the garden draw
Long pitch black breaths, lay bare its apple trees,
Ripe pear trees, brambles, windfall-sweetened soil,
Exhale rough sweetness against the starry slates.

Friday, 20 September 2024

The Door to Happiness - L. Onerva

A warm loving human heart
was beating once for me, I know,
the door to happiness was open,
inviting to feel its glow.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Hummingbird - Neema Komba

Every spring I open my petals
And let you sip my nectar

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Romance - Robert Louis Stevenson

I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
Of bird-song at morning and star-shine at night.
I will make a palace fit for you and me,
Of green days in forests and blue days at sea.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

The Mind - Chu Hsi

The Mind is most spiritual. 
So fine is it that it penetrates the very point of a hair, 
or the smallest blade of grass, 
and I become conscious of them. 

Monday, 16 September 2024

A Tree - José Corazón de Jesús

Viewed from a distant vantage
I appear as a cross with arms outstretched;
As I stayed on my knees long enduring,
It seems that I am kissing God’s feet.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

O Saviour, Fount of heavenly life - Rabanus Maurus

O Saviour, Fount of heavenly life, 
Assist us in our earthly strife; 
Thou pitying Virgin, hear our cries, 
And raise us from our miseries. 

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Cupid Lost - Jakob Cats

The child of Venus, wanton, wild. 
The sliest rogue that ever smiled, 
Has lately strayed — where, who shall guess? 
His mother pines in sad distress; 
She calls the boy, she sighs, complains. 
But still no news of Cupid gains; 
For, though her sorrow grows apace. 
None knows the urchin's resting-place. 
She therefore vows the boy shall be 
Cried o'er the country publicly: 

Friday, 13 September 2024

Maji Maji - Yusuf O. Kassam

Sitting on a stool outside his mud hut,
The mzee scratched his head in a slow motion,
Trying to recall.
His dim grey eyes quiveringly stared into the distance

Thursday, 12 September 2024

The Lusiad (extract from Book II: Arrival at Mombasa) - Luís Vas de Camões

The fervent lustre of the evening ray
Behind the western hills now died away,
And night, ascending from the dim-brow'd east,
The twilight gloom with deeper shades increas'd,
When Gama heard the creaking of the oar,
And mark'd the white waves length'ning from the shore.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

From the Strand to the Never - Henry Lawson

Last glass of the last of our revels!
    Last song to be sung without ruth!
Let us give what is due to our devils
    Ere the curtain comes down on our youth!

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Saturday night - Mary Caroline Colborne-Veel

Saturday night in the crowded town; 
Pleasure and pain going up and down, 
Murmuring low on the ear their beat, 
Echoes unceasing of voice and feet. 
Withered age with its load of care 
Come in this tumult of life to share, 
Childhood glad in its radiance brief, 
Happiest-hearted or bowed with grief, 
Meet alike, as the stars look down, 
Week by week on the crowded town. 

Monday, 9 September 2024

Vondel's Lucifer (Act II, lines 277-413) - Joost van den Vondel

The Stadtholder now hears the meaning of
This proclamation grave so proudly blown
By Gabriel's trumpet bold. How well he showed
Thee God's design! whose purpose thou may'st scent:
Thus shall he clip the wings of thy great power.

But not so easily: Ah! nay, forsooth;
I shall have care this purpose to prevent.
Let not a power inferior thus dream
To rule the Powers above.

He maketh threat
Forthwith to crush Rebellion's head and crown.

Now swear I by my crown, upon this chance
To venture all, to raise my seat amid
The firmament, the spheres, the splendor of
The stars above. The Heaven of Heavens shall then
My palace be, the rainbow be my throne,
The starry vast, my court, while, down beneath,
The Earth shall be my footstool and support.
I shall, then swiftly drawn through air and light,
High-seated on a chariot of cloud,
With lightning stroke and thunder grind to dust
Whate'er above, around, below, doth us
Oppose, were it God's Marshal grand himself.
Yea, e'er we yield, these empyrean vaults.
Proud in their towering masonry, shall burst
With all their airy arches and dissolve
Before our eyes: this huge and joint-racked Earth,
Like a misshapen monster, lifeless lie;
This wondrous universe to chaos fall.
And to its primal desolation change.
Who dares, who dares defy great Lucifer?
We cite Apollion.

He is at hand.

O Stadtholder of God's unbounded Realm,
And Oracle within the Council of
The Gods subordinate, I offer thee
My service and await thy new commands.310
What now the word—what of thy subject would
Thy Majesty?

It pleaseth us to hear
Thy sense and thy opinion of a grave
And weighty plan that cannot fail to win.
Tis our intent to pluck the proudest plume
From Michael's wings, that our attempt upon
His mightiness shall not rebound as vain.
With his own arm as many oracles
He founds, as ever God Himself hath hewn
From deathless diamond with His hand. Behold320
Now man exalted to the Heaven of Heavens,
Through all the circles of the spheres, then see
The Spirit world, so deep, so far below,
Even 'neath his footcloth there, like feeble worms
Already crawling in the dust. I joy
To storm this throne with violence, and thus
To hazard by one strong, opposing stroke
The glory of my state and star and crown.

An undertaking truly to be praised!
May it augment your crown and increase gain,330
Based on such resolution: so I deem
It honors me thus to advise, 'neath thee,
The prosecution of a cause so bold.
Let this result for better or for worse,
The will is noble, even though it fail.
But lest we strive in vain and recklessly,
How best shall we begin so bold a plan?
How safest meet the point of that resolve?

We subtly shall oppose our own resolve.

Sooth, there is pith in that. But what, pray, is340
Our borrowed might, weighed in the scale against
The Power Omnipotent? Guard well thy crown;
For we fall far too light.

Yet not so light,
But that the matter first shall hang in doubt.

By whom or how or where this plot begun?
Even such intent is treason 'gainst God's Throne.

His Throne we'll not disturb; but cautiously
Mount up the steep incline, and those high peaks,
Ne'er blazed by path and ne'er ascended, climb.
Courage and prudence must, at length, o'ercome350
And dare all dangers brave.

But not the Power
Omnipotent, nor yet His crown: approach
Thou not too near, or learn in sorrow that
Repentance comes too late. The lesser should
Submissively unto the greater yield.

The great Omnipotent is far beyond
Our aim. Set forces like with like together.
Then learn whose sword is weightiest. I see
Our enemies in flight, the Heavens all ours
By one courageous stroke; our legions, too,360
O'erladen with the spoil and glorious plunder.
Then let us further now deliberate.

Thou know'st what Michael, God's Field-marshal may:
'Neath his command are all God's legions placed.
He bears the key of the armoury here on high.
To him the watch is trusted, and he keeps
A faithful, sleepless eye on all the camps;
So that of all the galaxies of Heaven
Not even one star, in its celestial march,
Dare move itself the least, nor stir without
Its ranks. 'Tis easy to commence; but in
Such warfare to engage exceeds our might,
And drags a train of hardships in its wake.
"What ordnance and what martial enginery
Could e'er avail his legions proud to quell?
Should Heaven's castle ope its diamond port,
Nor stratagem, nor ambush, nor assault
Could bring it fear.

But if our bold resolve
We strengthen with the sword, I see upon
Our standard, raised aloft, the morning-star
Defiance flashing till all Heaven's state
And rulership is changed.

The Fieldmarshal,
The valiant Michael, bears with no less fire
And pride God's wondrous name amid the field
Of his great banner, with the sun above.

Though writ in lines of light, what boots a name?
Heroic deeds, as this, are ne'er achieved
With titles, nor with pomp; not by valor, spirit.
And subtle strokes in skill and cunning bred.
Thou art a master-wit with craftiness
The Spirits to seduce, them to ensnare,
To lead and to incite howe'er thou wilt.
Thou canst attaint even those among the watch
Of most integrity, and teach even those
To waver who had thought to waver never.
Begin, we see God's legions in two camps
Divided, lords and vassals roused to strife
And mutiny. The greatest part even now
Are blind and deaf, save to their own demands;
And one and all cry loudly for a chief.
If thou for us a fourth part canst allure,
"We'll crown thy craft and dexterous management
With place and honor. Go, this plot consider
With Belial, for it must be dark indeed,
Where he shall lose his way. His countenance,
Smooth-varnished with dissimulation's hue,
No master in such deep concealment owns.
My car I now ascend: think ye this over.
The Council hath convened, and now awaits
Our own attendance. We shall call you both
Within, as soon as ye shall come. And thou,
Chief Lord, guard with thy trusty followers
This mighty gate that to the palace leads.

Joost van den Vondel (1587 – 1679) The Netherlands
Translated by Charles Leonard van Noppen
Act II, lines 277-413
Source: Project Gutenberg: J. van Vondel's Lucifer A tragedy 1654
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Sunday, 8 September 2024

Eternal Trinity - St Catherine of Sienna

Eternal Trinity,
mystery deep as the sea,
you could give me no greater gift
than the gift of

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Consciousness of a Poem - Ihor Kalynets

from the indifferent dark 
as from a rock

oozed the breasts
of the fruit of knowledge

Friday, 6 September 2024

Christmas Eve - Deolinda Rodrigues

—7:00 PM
by the latrine.
Yeah, it’s all set up,
I didn’t miss a thing.

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Meals for Men - Tamanda Kanjaye

Little Boy,
I know you’ve been fed a toxic meal 
Of toughening up and never caring 
Of taking every single blow
Without ever sharing.

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Sermon - Emanuel Carnevali

Chao-Mong-Mu freely laid his hands over the sky:
You do not know how to lay your hands over the breasts of your beloved.

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Bdin - Ivan Hristov

Dear mother,
I died
but I didn't go to heaven,
instead I arrived in Bdin1.

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Who Knows What is Going On - Juan Ramón Jimenez

     Who knows what is going on on the other side of each hour?

     How many times the sunrise was
there, behind a mountain!