Venice masks

Sunday 19 February 2023

The evils of the Balwo - Sayyid Muhammad 'Abdille Hassan

Oh my God, my God, have mercy 
on us and save us from the balwo.
The monarchs of old reigned and built their palaces,
But they fell short of achievement; 
they did not sojourn long in them 
and their desires were not fulfilled.
Now they lie prostrate where they struggled; 
they might well have never been.
Neither they nor those who destroyed them gained lasting ease.
They are a witness to God’s words: 
‘The leaders of the wicked 
(shall plot, but only against themselves) ;’
They bartered their faith for the world 
and the transaction brought them no gain.
The evil balwo songs came, 
bringing corruption and spreading sin,
And God was displeased with those 
who wrought such wrongfillness.
They wasted their substance in frivolity and dissipation,
They gathered together in debauchery 
and hungered after what is prohibited.
Women who became like devils lured them astray,
As the holy tradition says: 
‘They are the snares of the devil.’
Turn away from them, pay no heed to them,
and abandon their places of song.
Achieve instead the success and strength 
which God gives, the Builder of the Throne.
Flee from these vain things, forsake them; 
their possession brings no happiness;
Abandon them, and those who seek them. 
Unhappy is the place of song!
The steadfast in the faith turned aside 
and put no trust in these things of the world.
They were strangers in the world as the Prophet said.
Oh my God, my God, 
have mercy on your servants and pity us!
My Lord, my All, save me from the demons.
My God, our Creator, bless Him who pastures (the world),
The beloved of God, our Lord, 
the leader of all, the intercessor.
Blessing be upon His family, His companions, 
His followers, and upon His helpers,
As long as it is said that ‘the leaders of the wicked 
(shall plot, but only against themselves)’,
And as long as the turtle-dove warbles on the tree.

Sayyid Muhammad 'Abdille Hassan  (1856 - 1920)  Somalia
Translated by B.W.  Andrzejewski and I.M. Lewis
Source: Somali poetry; an introduction, B.W.  Andrzejewski and I.M. Lewis, Clarendon Press, 1964

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