The Liberal says, Jack must help him
Because he is his friend.
The Conservative says: My heart
The publican contends that Jack is his
And will not let him go.
The teetotaller shouts: I am yours
And you are mine, dear Jack!
One gives him tea, another gives him a drink,
Someone else leads him in carriages:
The primrose-women kiss, caress;
And Jack –– he votes for them, the sheep.
Morris Winchevsky [Leopold Benzion Novokhovitch, aka Ben Netz] (1856 –1932) Lithuania (Lived in England and USA)
Translated by Vivienne Rachel Lachs
Source: Yiddish Poetry and Popular Song of London, 1884-1914: anglicisation, transnationalism and cultural controversy. Vivienne Rachel Lachs PhD thesis 2016, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London
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