Yesterday, against admonishment,
my daughter balanced on the couch back,
fell and cut her mouth.
Because I saw it happen I knew
she was not hurt, and yet
a child's blood so red
it stops a father's heart.
My daughter cried her tears;
I held some ice
against her lip.
That was the end of it.
Round and round: bow and kiss.
I try to teach her caution;
she tries to teach me risk.
Gregory Orr (born 1947) USA
Father's Song
ReplyDelete- Gregory Orr
Yesterday, against admonishment,
my daughter balanced on the couch back,
fell and cut her mouth.
Because I saw it happen I knew
she was not hurt, and yet
a child's blood so red
it stops a father's heart.
My daughter cried her tears;
I held some ice
against her lip.
That was the end of it.
Round and round: bow and kiss.
I try to teach her caution;
she tries to teach me risk.
Gregory Orr (born 1947) USA
جريجوري أور
شاعر امريكي معاصر
أنشودة الأب
حسن حجازي
بالأمس ،
رغم الدهشة والحذر ،
أرتقت ابنتي ظهر المقعدِ الوثيرْ ،
فوقعت وجرحت فمها .
ولأني رأيتُ ما حدث
كنتُ أعلمُ أنها
لم تصب بأي أذىَ ،
إلا أنَ لونَ الدم القاني
أوقفَ قلبي الحاني
استصرخت طفلتي
فيَّ الدموع ؛
فوضعتُ بعضَ الثلج
على شفتيها
وعندها كانت النهاية .
تدور حولي وتدور ؛
انحناءة فقبلة فبسمة
حاولتُ أن أعلمها الحذر ؛
وحاولت هي أن
تعلمني المجازفة !
Translated By
Hassan Hegazy
Hassan - thanks for taking the trouble to translate this great poem into Arabic!