Venice masks

Sunday 29 September 2024

Who knocks in the peace of the evening so light - Lina Sandell

Who knocks in the peace of the evening so light
At your heart's door?
Who comes then with healing so pleasant and bright
To cure the heart' s sorrow and much more?

Perhaps you have oft heard this knocking before,
A voice calling.
Why do you delay now to open the door
And find life and comfort awaiting?

So often you feel that it's lonesome and drear
In this cold world,
You feel there is nothing that has value here,
Despite the world's rush and its mad whirl.

There are thorns on the roses that here on earth grow,
But the true peace
That Jesus can give has no thorns, you may know,
When days of your earthly life soon cease.

What value in all this earth's honor, you know,
And all fortune?
Compared with the honor of being God's own,
And knowing it puts your heart in tune.

So open today for this friend, don't withhold,
He will give you
Rich treasures far better than silver or gold,
A crown and a kingdom is yours, too!

Lina Sandell (full name Carolina Vilhelmina Sandell Berg) (1832 - 1903) Sweden
Translated by E. Einar Kron
Source: Hymns and Poems of Sweden, Translated by E. Einar Kron, 1982

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