
Monday 24 July 2023

Work of Art - Bernadette Chikapa

Do painters’ fingers tingle with that rush
When their thumb and index holds not the brush?
Do they too feel that longing deep inside
When their empty canvas hurts their pride?

Do singers’ voices go sour in desperation
When their chords last for days with no tune?
Do they too desire to sing with no cessation
Even when this makes them feel like a loon?

Do dancers’ joints yelp in despair
When they run out of moves to go on?
Do they too yearn to bend without a care
Even when they fail to choreograph that song?

Do other writers’ hearts shriek in agony
When days go by and all there is, is a blank page?
Do they too feel as though they’ve committed a felony
When their lack of inspiration throws them in a cage?

Bernadette Chikapa (21st century) Malawi
Source: WSA Magazine, Issue 71, November 2022

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