
Sunday 23 July 2023

Est Virgo Coeli Rore - John Mauburne

Over Mary's soul so tender, 
Falls heaven's holiest dew; 
Her peer in grace and splendor 
Creation never knew; 
We bow in veneration 
Before her throne above, 
And sing in loud laudation 
From hearts afire with love. 

Lo! God hath surely given 
The world a wondrous sign, 
A Virgin chaste as heaven 
Has borne the Son divine; 
That Son of Love Supernal, 
As Gabriel hath shown, 
Shall reign as King Eternal, 
On David's royal throne. 

O city of the nations, 
O Bethlehem the blest, 
Rise up with acclamations, 
And greet thy royal guest; 
Let all thy halls of splendor, 
And lordly mansions shine; 
A royal welcome render 
Unto the King divine. 

Alas! no welcome royal 
The coming King awaits, 
Nor dwells one servant loyal 
Within the city gates. 
No room or high or lowly 
Is ready for his birth; 
But here the Virgin holy 
Must bring the God-child forth. 

So in the humble manger 
The sacred Babe is laid; 
He lies a lonely stranger 
Beside the lonely Maid. 
O poverty all glorious, 
Though by weak man decried, 
Here by the Christ victorious, 
Hast thou been beautified. 

Then come, O men and nations, 
Your songs in praise employ; 
Ring out your jubilations; 
Behold your holiest joy! 
Behold the King of Ages, 
For whom we waited long, 
By Bards foretold and sages, 
To raise the world from wrong. 

John Mauburne (1460 - 1502) Belgium
Translated by Daniel Joseph Donahoe
Source: Early Christian Hymns: Series II. Translations of the Verses of the Most Noted Latin Writers of the Early and Middle Ages, edited by Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Donahoe Publishing Company, 1911

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