
Tuesday 25 July 2023

The Poem of the Universe - Śrî Ānanda Āchārya

In my soul is the Light and the Life and the Word.
I am the pilgrim and the path and the goal.
I Wander alone among the desert sands,
         ever pursued by the shade of Death.
Day and night I wrestle with the illusion of starvation
         and disease and danger.
I am wise, for I know that I am great enough
         to be my own saviour.
I am strong, for I have conquered my ego,
         the parent of my cosmos.
I am beautiful, for I have renounced Matter.
I am saved, for I have given my all to all.
I am no more the ‘me’ of my body’s childhood,
         youth and age,
         I shall no more be what once I thought I should
         be after my body’s death;
I have crossed darkness and twilight.
I am the metre of the poem of the universe.

Śrî Ānanda Āchārya (Surenda Nath Baral) (1881 - 1945) India, lived in Norway from 1917
Source: Cakra-Sakha - The Companion of God, Śrî Ānanda Āchārya, The Brahmakul, Guarisankatmath, 1921 [included in "Some Poems" on Shantibu]

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