
Saturday 22 July 2023

The Arrabida Convent - Francisco Manuel de Melo

Falter not, pilgrim here! with steady steps
Upward along this dark-o’ershadowed path
Tread cheerily: this is the rugged path
That leads to Heaven. Hark! how the glittering stream,
That sparkles down the mountain, to thine ear
Sends its mild murmurs: round thy throbbing brow,
Pleasant the cool air breathes, and on thy way
The glorious sun shines radiant: canst thou pause?
O pilgrim, hie thee on with holy haste
And enter there, where all the hours are hours
Of life, and every hope, reality.

Convento da ArrĂ¡bida
Francisco Manuel de Melo (1611-1667) Portugal
Translated by R. Southey
Source: Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes, ed. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1876–79

A different translation, by Felicia D. Hemans, is here.

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