
Saturday 26 November 2022

Urohs Sexy - Emelihter S. Kihleng

sexy is a popular word
throughout the world
like Coke
even in Pohnpei
women and girls want to be sexy
to be desired
Micronesian Island Urohs

Nahnep was sexy
even the words that came out of her mouth
were almost all sexy
she had many lovers
very sex-y
her personality was sexy
her laugh, mannerisms
super sexy sexual
I never saw her wear skinny jeans

but apparently
skinny jeans are what’s sexy
wearing clothes that show the shape
of your thighs and ass
and if you are a grown woman
with a child or five
a muffin top that may hang over your jeans

but urohs?
that’s what our mothers,
grandmothers wear
long and loose
uber colorful, neon cultural
respectful and nonsexual
but highly sensual…

that’s hard to find
in skinny jeans and music videos

Emelihter S. Kihleng (20th century) Guam
Source: Menginpehn Lien Pohnpei: A Poetic Ethnography of Urohs (Pohnpeian Skirts) by Emelihter S. Kihleng, PHd thesis, University of Wellington, 2015

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