
Sunday 27 November 2022

Great bull with testicles - Apuk Jurwir Dinka tribesman

Great bull with testicles has been killed1
It is Divinity
The dark clouds and the morning rain blow up
My mother ABUK, Divinity my father, help me
My father GARANG, help me Divinity my father
If we sleep abroad, the white cow of my father
Will bring us cows
Avoid the spear, my age-set. Mayom, avoid the spear
An affair of the great spear (a great fight)
O my club!
The spear-haft in the man’s back quivers
DENG KUR is a powerful divinity.
If we sleep abroad2, it brings cows
White cow of my father, I did not start the fight
The bulls meet head to head!
Cow which gave peace to my father
Cow bringing cows
Make peace as the Kongor tribe did with the Agar
Last year’s fighting is ended
Last year's fighting thus is ended.

Apuk Jurwir Dinka tribesman (pre-20th century) South Sudan
Translated by  Godfrey Lienhardt
Source: Divinity and experience : the religion of the Dinka by Godfrey Lienhardt, Clarendon, 1987
  1. The trampling or crushing to death of the victim, occurring at some Dinka ceremonies and associated with the sound of thunder
  2. The custom of warriors on a cattle raid - the white cow being the divinity DENG.

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