
Friday 25 November 2022

Hailli 1 - Pachacuti

O Creator, root of all,
Wiracocha, end of all,
Lord in shining garments
who infuses life
and sets all things in order,
"Let there be man!
Let there be woman!"
Molder, maker,
to all things you have given life:
watch over them,
keep them living prosperously,
in safety and peace.
Where are you?
Outside? Inside?
Above this world in the clouds?
Below this world in the shades?
Hear me! Answer me!
Take my words to your heart!
For ages without end
let me live,
grasp me in your arms,
hold me in your hands,
receive this offering
wherever you are, my Lord,
my Wiracocha.

Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (Quechua: Pachakutiq Inka Yupanki) (1418–1471/1472) Peru (Ancient Inca civilization)
Translated by John Curl
Source: Ancient American poets: The sacred hymns of Pachacuti by John Curl, Bilingual Press, 2005

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