
Friday 5 July 2024

A Picture - Steen Steensen Blicher

I lay on my heathery hills alone;
  The storm-winds rushed o'er me in turbulence loud;
My head rested lone on the gray moorland stone;
  My eyes wandered skyward from cloud unto cloud.

Thursday 4 July 2024

The village schoolmaster - Willem Bilderdijk

There he sits; his figure and his rigid bearing
Let us know most clearly what is his ideal:–
Confidence in self, in his lofty standing;
Thereto add conceit in his own great value.
Certain, he can read–yes, and write and cipher;
In the almanac no star-group's a stranger.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

The North wind and the Sun - Babrius

Betwixt the North wind and the Sun arose
A contest, which would soonest of his clothes
Strip a wayfaring clown, so runs the tale.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Storm - Alcæus of Mytilene

Now here, now there, the wild waves sweep,
Whilst we, betwixt them o'er the deep,
In shatter'd tempest-beaten bark,
With laboring ropes are onward driven,

Monday 1 July 2024

The Harvesters - Aleardo Aleardi

What time in summer, sad with so much light,
The sun beats ceaselessly upon the fields;
The harvesters, as famine urges them,
Draw hitherward in thousands, and they wear
The look of those that dolorously go