
Tuesday 23 July 2024

Perchance - Amir Hamzah

Thou who slumber’st inside my heart
Vault of heaven yet filament fine
Wrapped large within the earth’s embrace
Sheltered small beneath an eyebrow’s span

I bear thee aloft, my head bowed low
I sing thy praise on the tip of my tongue
I cradle thee in the arms of my song
I rock thee to sleep in my lullaby’s lilt

Arise my Beloved
Open thine eyes of pearl
Touch the heavenly lyre
With thy fingers delicately tapering

Let the goddess of song be roused
Summon love’s dancer, supple and strong
A flickering flame softly illuming
Holy fragrance in smoke-laden air

Come let us dance, young maiden of love
Let the golden voices be heard
Perchance to be free from the call of time past
Pounding like waves on the shores of my heart.

Amir Hamzah (1911 - 1946) Indonesia
Translated by Keith Foulcher
Source: “Translation of Amir Hamzah’s ‘Barangkali’.” Keith Foulcher. The
AALITRA Review: A Journal of Literary Translation 14 (December 2019):

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