
Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Coral Reef - Vivian Virtue

The sun discovers, probing the shingling sea,
A lurking down in the coral woods below
That merge, through hollows where the warm flow,
With bloom-like beast and flower pulsating free.
And all that the brine gives colour-anemone,
Moss, and dishevelled week, andn schinus, glow
Rich-patterned, chequoring with indigo
The wrinkled roots of the madrepare's pale tree.

In splendid mail dimming the living tints
A monstrous figure against the branching glints,
Warding the limpid gloom with indolent sweep;
Then, flashing suddenly a phosphoront fin
Kindles the crystal depths with exquisite thin
Fires that in gold and pearl and emerald leap.

Vivian Lancaster Virtue (1911 - 1998) Jamaica
Source: Anthology of the Poetry of the West Indies, chosen and edited by W. Adolphe Roberts and Wycliffe Bennett, c. 1950

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