
Sunday 30 June 2024

Song of the Brightness of Water - Karol Wojtyla

From the depth—I came only to draw water
in a jug—so long ago, this brightness
still clings to my eyes—the perception I found,
and so much empty space, my own,
reflected in the well.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Bearslayer: Canto II - Bearslayer is sent out into the world (Scene 2) - Andrejs Pumpurs

He is given the task of learning
"I give you now a colt with saddle fine,
Trim steed and sword of heavy metal true,
A spear, a shield and silver spurs once mine,
And headdress trimmed with fur of martens too.

Friday 28 June 2024

Selene - Ashur Etwebi

to my father

Selene the Enchanting City
The sail gazes drenched with the water of the sea at Selene the enchanting.
Selene is imprisoned in walls of reticent sand,
A Sicilian sailor said in a port tavern:
We were in the three ships that skilled men built from the black forest,

Thursday 27 June 2024

The Proloug of the first Buik of Eneados - Gavin Douglas

Laude, honor, prasingis, thankis infynite
To the, and thi dulce ornate fresch endite,
Mast reverend Virgill, of Latyne poetis prince,

Wednesday 26 June 2024

The Wanderer - Anastasia Shevchenko

This man was not clear to me,
He sits in the toilet and smokes,
And then he'd come to me through the window.
Sometimes he was clumsy and untidy,
And sometimes he wasn't recognizable at all.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Let springtime come - Jens Peter Jacobsen

Let springtime come then, when it will,
With verdure greenest,
With flutelike song of myriad birds,

Monday 24 June 2024

The Gardens - Emile Verhaeren

The landscape now reveals a change;
A stair—that twinèd elm-boughs hold
Enclosed 'mid hedges mystic, strange—
Inaugurates a green and gold
Vision of gardens, range on range.

Sunday 23 June 2024

The Executioner of John the Baptist - Dubhghall Albanach mac mhic Cathail

Askelon, the royal seat,
In which the great deed was done;
There, not lasting was the fame,
John the noble was slain.

Friday 21 June 2024

from The Physicians of Myddfai - Anonymous

Brindled cow, white speckled,
Spotted cow, bold freckled,
The four field sward mottled,

Thursday 20 June 2024

The Dwelling-places of Wisdom and of Unrighteousness (from The book of Enoch) - Anonymous

Wisdom found no place where she might dwell;
Then a dwelling-place was assigned her in the heavens.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Prayer against the evil spirits - anonymous

Destructive storms and evil winds are they,
An evil blast that heraldeth the baneful storm, 
An evil blast, forerunner of the baneful storm. 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

The Ambush - Nimah Ismail Nawwab

He watched the old movie unfold,
The head-covered man bashing his van into a building,
Nodding his head: ‘Yes another one, they are terrorists,’
The calm way he uttered those words
The look in his young eyes,
Made me

Friday 14 June 2024

Gaucho’s Nest - Hector Marcó

With shining colors of hope,
the countryside puts on its plumage
and the wind’s chords throb
through the grasses
and the flowers.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Sonnet 5 - Dumitru Crudu

I set some water to boil
didn’t have anything to put in it
I was all alone in the house
the water slowly evaporating

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Oh, My Mother—Her Voice - O Yŏng-jae

Los Angeles and Taejon,
The Pacific in between.
The phone conversation between Mother and Chairman Yŏng-hŭi
Graciously sent to me;
Unwinding the cassette tape
I listen to Mother’s voice.

Monday 10 June 2024

Black Port - Ch'on Yang-Hui

The tavern's red lamp bobs hoarse as if damp
and under the breakwater waves whimper all day long.
Because of the ever-changing waterways, or because of people,
the road that curves toward the port touches the village.

Sunday 9 June 2024

True knowledge - Panatattu

My God is not a chiselled stone, 
Or lime-block, so clear and bright: 
Nor is he cleaned with tamarind. 
Like images of bronze. 

Saturday 8 June 2024

Garlanding - Teweiariki Teaero

i woke up and went east
this early dawn
before the eastern sky becomes light
to pick bwabwaku from tabwakea's land
from the top of the uritangaroa tree
flowers that are nice and better than all others
wrapped in the fragrance and
newness of dawn

Friday 7 June 2024

not holding back a word - Evi Kliemand

not holding back a word
on both sides of the ridge
spoken into the fog

Thursday 6 June 2024

National Anthem - Gulnazar Keldi

Our country so beloved,
Happy we are to see your dignity.
Let your joy and prosperity forever be.
We have reached this day since time immemorial;
Together aligned we stand under your flag, under your flag.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

O You blood! - Étienne Goyémidé

O You blood! Red and ruddy blood,
Magical blood in eternal warmth,
You are the cradle of life that you carry and move in our human bodies, 
In the body of the animal and in the body of plants. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Greetings, to our neighbours (Monaco National Anthem) - Louis Notari

Greetings, to our neighbours! 
Greetings, to all those who are watching us! 
It is important that you remember the following:

Monday 3 June 2024

Guinea Bissau: A love poem - Anonymous

I love you
I have returned
Our land is nice - where there is happiness. 
This place is sacred.
I love you so much . . . 

Sunday 2 June 2024

Malaise: Un-Sonnet - Debra Providence

My work stinks.
It reeks, actually, of failure intermingled with
putrid pretensions of deeper knowledge.

Saturday 1 June 2024

An Appeal - Hermann Ling

Remember thou the debtor art 
Of poor men who lack everything,