
Friday 14 June 2024

Gaucho’s Nest - Hector Marcó

With shining colors of hope,
the countryside puts on its plumage
and the wind’s chords throb
through the grasses
and the flowers.

I have my little ranch on the hill
where the thrushes nest…
daisies and rosebushes
have sprouted for you,
because one day this gaucho’s nest
will belong to us both.

My illusions will bloom
and our hearts will unite.
Tell me “yes,”
that night in the pampas will expand
and the rays of moonlight will bring
the light of love to your eyes.

Don’t say, “no,”
then the rosebush will shrivel up with sorrow
and at the cross of my ranch the thrush
will die for your love

Hector Marcó (Hector Sunday Marcolongo) (1906 - 1987) Argentina
Translated by Derrick Del Pilar

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