
Saturday 1 June 2024

An Appeal - Hermann Ling

Remember thou the debtor art 
Of poor men who lack everything,
 And who might claim from thee a part 
In all the gifts that earth can bring. 
If through thy life the streams of blessing 
In golden fulness gently glide, 
Let none about thy window pressing, 
Gaze on thy feast unsatisfied. 
Fright not the wild bird from his singing. 
Behind thee let some gleaning ears abide, 
And in thy vineyard leave some clusters clinging.

Hermann (Ritter von) Lingg (1820 – 1905) Germany
Translated by Lois Saunders
Source: Strangers and foreigners being translations from the French, Italian, German and Middle High German : done into English verse, Lois Saunders, Saunders, 1912

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