
Sunday 25 June 2023

O soothe thy servants' woes, and bring (Placare Christe Servulis) - Rabanus Maurus

O soothe thy servants' woes, and bring 
Our souls to thee, most clement King; 
We seek before thy mercy seat 
The Virgin's intercession sweet. 

And ye, O blessed ones, who move 
In circles near the throne of love, 
Shield us from all iniquity, 
Or past, or present, or to be. 

Ye prophets and apostles, hear; 
Lift up before the Judge severe 
Our tearful prayers, and give your voice, 
That he may bid our souls rejoice. 

Ye noble martyrs of the Lord, 
And white-robed preachers of the word, 
Behold us exiled, bowed in gloom; 
Oh guide us to our heavenly home. 

Ye holy bands of virgins chaste, 
And godly dwellers of the waste, 
Now glorified with God, look down. 
And help us to the heavenly crown. 

Lord save us from the poisonous breath 
Of heresy, that bringeth death; 
So all thy people, joined as one, 
Shall bow before thy heavenly throne. 

To God the Father glory be, 
And sole-begotten Son to thee. 
And to the Spirit, three in one 
While everlasting ages run.

Rabanus Maurus (780 - 856) Germany
Translated by Daniel Joseph Donahoe
Source: Early Christian hymns: translations of the verses of the most noted Latin writers of the early and middle ages, by Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Grafton Press, 1908

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