
Friday 23 June 2023

Heavenly Questions (Section 1) - Ch`u Yuan

'Tis said:
At the beginning of remote antiquity, 
Who was there to transmit the tale? 
When above and below had not yet taken shape, 
By what means could they be examined?

When darkness and light were obscured, 
Who could fathom them? 
When primal matter was the only form, 
How could it be recognized?

Brightness became bright and darkness dark; 
What has caused them to be like this? 
Yin and yang commingle; 
What was basic, what transformed?

Round heaven with its nine layers, 
Who managed and measured it? 
What sort of achievement was this? 
Who was the first to make it?

How was the Cord tied to the Hub? 
How was the Heavenly Pole added to them? 
What did the Eight Pillars hold up? 
Why was there a gap in the southeast?

The borders of the ninefold heavens — 
Where do they stretch: where do they join? 
Many are their corners and angles — 
Who knows their number?

Upon what are the heavens folded? 
Where are the twelve stages divided? 
How are the sun and moon attached? 
How are the constellations arrayed?

The sun emerges from the morning vale, 
It comes to rest on the crepuscular horizon. 
From dawn until dusk, 
How many miles does it travel?

What virtue hath the moon, 
That it dies and then is reborn again? 
What benefit is there 
To harbour a bunny in its belly?

The goddess of Nü Qi had no mate; 
How did she get nine sons? 
Where does the god Bo Qiang dwell? 
Where does the benign wind breathe?

What closes and brings darkness? 
What opens and brings light? 
Before the Horn rises in the east, 
Where does the numinous sunlight hide?

Ch`u Yuan (Qu Yuan) (c. 340–278 BC) China
Translated by Zhuo Zhen-ying

1 comment:

  1. Πάντα θα υπάρχει ένα φως που λάμπει
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