
Wednesday 5 October 2022

Underside of Knowing - Soyini Forde

Branches draped elegiac,
possessive as lovers.

Everywhere the sun.
Lip of the horizon

split by teal sea. You’ve sewn me
up again, helped tuck twice-wound

ends away. ​Attend to my bruise garden:
cyclic, coiled stitches. Hands rooting

near the last caterwauling,
you reopened a rip unable

to mend.​ ​You said,​ We call
dat ol’ man’s beard.

Much better than
Spanish moss, I marvelled,

it gives trees
the wisdom they deserve.

My heart’s eye wide at the bark’s resignation
its acceptance of consequences.

When I think of a small mercy,
this sweet morsel forms on my tongue.

Soyini Forde (21st century) Trinidad
Source: ANMLY

ol’ man’s beard - Clematis vitalba (also known as Traveller's Joy)
Spanish moss - Tillandsia usneoides

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