
Wednesday 25 May 2022

The departure of Hauwa al Kora - Muhammad al Fagīr

Hauwa al Kora, when the travelling party separated,
I was grieved and unwilling.
You have left Keilak the lake of wadis,
you have left the country of the lotus-flower and the papyrus.

Hauwa gazelle of Syria,
better for you the ground of the dãr of  El Gulla Abũ Selmãn,
which is the colour of sugar that came from Omdurman.

Hauwa gazelle of Syria,
they have taken you down to the dãr of the Misĩrĩya,
where the dance-drum is neglected, where a lad lies down in sorrow.
They have taken you down by Toto of the deep wells,
they have taken you to camp at Kutna where nomads dwell,
they have taken you past El Sinut the black,
where people gather acacia-pods and trade in earthenware pots,
they have taken you past Abu Zahad where black men dwell,
you whose hair is like thick papyrus which defeats him who would pull it up.

Muhammad al Fagīr (20th century) Sudan
Translated by S. Hillelson
Source: 'Songs of the Baggara' by S. Hillelson in Sudan Notes and Records Vol XII, Part 1, 1929
  • Keilak the lake of wadis - Lake Keilak in Southern Kordofan
  • El Gulla  - the former nazir of the Humr

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