
Friday 27 May 2022

Sleep, sleep, little one - Baka people

Sleep, sleep, little one, 
Close your eyes, sleep, little one! 
The night comes down, the hour has come, 
Tomorrow it will be day. 
Sleep, sleep, little one! 
On your closed eyes day has fled. 

You are warm. You have drunk,  
Sleep, sleep, little one! 
Sleep, tomorrow you will be big, you will be strong. 
Sleep, tomorrow you will take the bow and the knife. 

Sleep, you will be strong, 
You will be straight and I bent. 
Sleep, tomorrow it is you, 
but it is mother always.

Anonymous (Baka people) (date unknown) Gabon
Source: Speak Up by Benjamin Jeffry T. Burgos and Teresita B. Gutierrez, Rex Book Store, 2007

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