
Saturday 12 February 2022

Those good old days - Erna Loraine Narcisso Walters

Tell me about those good old days
when there were railroads, sawmills and ways,
when there were jobs to pick and to choose,
where everyone gained no one lose.
Tell me about your days of fun
those healthy days when you played in the sun,
in the rain and in the cold.
in those pleasant days of old.
Tell me about some clothes that were worn
made of flour sack, crokas and more,
but they were worn with dignity and pride,
leaving shame and envy aside.
Tell me about the food you ate,
that was so cheap and easy to get,
you could buy with shillings and dimes
without any need to get in line.
Although your schools were only a few,
your teachers knew just what to do
your learning was no doubt intense,
this you proved with much excellence
while you highlighted that royal star reader
as the most outstanding leader.
Today I truly beg of you,
even though you might be few,
share with us memories of those good old days
of your values, customs and ways,
so that we can pass them on,
now, and long after you are gone.

Erna Loraine Narcisso Walters (born 1942) Nicaragua
Source: Poetas Siglio XXI - Antologia Mundial

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