
Sunday 13 February 2022

The Heart's Desire - Namdev

O God, my cry comes up to thee,- 
How sad a cry is it ! 
What is this tragic destiny 
That fate for me has writ ? 

Wherefore, O Hrisikes, dost thou 
So lightly pass me by? 
To whom, to whom but to thee now 
Can I lift up my cry? 

As chiming anklets sweetly ring 
So rings thy name abroad; 
To human spirits hungering 
Thou givest peace with God. 

Thou on thy shoulders carrying 
All the world's load of care, 
To thee 'tis such a little thing 
My trouble too to bear! 

O Mother Pandurang, I cry, 
Drive thou me not away. 
At Hari's feet I, Nama, lie; 
He will not say me nay. 

Namdev [Nam Dayv, Namdeo, Namadeva] (c. 1270 – c. 1350) India
Translated by Nicol Macnicol
Source: Psalms of Maratha saints: one hundred and eight hymns translated from the Marathi by Nicol Macnicol, Association press, 1920
  • Hrisikes - another name for Krisna (or Hari)
  • Pandurang - one of the most popular names of Vithoba of Pandharpur, and so is equivalent to Krisna. Here, as in many similar poems, the god is addressed as a mother. 

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