
Thursday 21 October 2021

Vessel - Boris Ryzhy

Enamel bedpan
Window, nightstand, and a bed
Life is hard and uncomfortable
But it's nice to die
Enamel bedpan
Window, nightstand, and a bed
Life is hard and uncomfortable
But it's nice to die
Water drips quietly from the faucet
And life, dishevelled like a whore
Steps out from the fog
And sees a nightstand and a bed
And I try to prop myself up
I want to look into her eyes
Look her in the eye and fall to pieces
And never die, never die
Never die, never die, never die
Enamel bedpan
Window, nightstand, and a bed
Life is hard and uncomfortable
But it's nice to die
Enamel bedpan
Window, nightstand, and a bed
Life is hard and uncomfortable
But it's nice to die

Boris Borisovich Ryzhy (1974 - 2001) Russia
Translated by pensioner-pauk

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