
Friday 22 October 2021

A little fool lies here - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

A little fool lies here
Whom I held dear—
A starling in the prime
Of his brief time
Whose doom it was to drain
Death's bitter pain.
Thinking of this, my heart
Is riven apart.
Oh reader! Shed a tear,
You also, here.
He was not naughty, quite,
But gay and bright,
And under all his brag
A foolish wag.
This no one can gainsay
And I will lay
That he is now on high,
And from the sky,
Praises me without pay
In his friendly way.
Yet unaware that death
Has choked his breath,
And thoughtless of the one
Whose rime is thus well done.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Austria
Translator not stated
Source: 'Mozart's Starling' by Meredith J. West and Andrew P. King, [Starling Talk]

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