
Saturday 19 June 2021

Number 106 - Imtiaz Dharker

We are waving to you from up here,
from the fourth floor to say
don’t worry about us, we are fine.
We may be strung out, trousers vest blouse
sari skirt on this washing line
but the sun is being kind to us.
Better here than down there
where you are passing
on the Number 106, crammed
into a hot window frame
with your loud loneliness.

We are floating here,
our hearts filled with soft evening air
and the sound of conversations
in the rooms behind us,
in love with the shape
of each other and the dance
we make together,

waving to you, sending a sign
that you would see if
you were looking but

you are not.

Imtiaz Dharker (born 1954) Pakistan (moved to England as a child)

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