
Sunday 20 June 2021

Cattle Egret - Okot p' Bitek

My children gather stars
Into their soft songs
And woo the young moon
With their white teeth.

The moon kisses
My daughter's emerging breasts
And my son's dimples dimples.

I plead guilty
To pride
I was not born to this,
I am a great soul
My mother knows this
My uncle told me so
And my father was proud
Of me....

My children call me
They run and fall into my arms,
They sing and dance for me
And they play games with me.

The testicle of the bell
Knocks hard against
His round thighs
And he screams in sharp pain.

Tired teachers wipe
The chalk dust
Off their faces
The school dam bursts
And floods of hungry children
Melt into their mother's bosoms.

My children
Not among them
My children do
Not go to school
My children will
Never go to school.

The teacher's cane
Will never touch
Their buttocks
They will grow up
With the wild trees
Of the bush
And will be burnt down
By wild fire
Of the droughts.

The proud cattle egret
Flourishes his long
And colourful tail
And dances between
Wives and chicks....

Look at my athletic thighs
My chest was broad
And without scar
My teeth were the
White okok birds
Standing on the back
Of a buffalo bull...

Have you heard me
Playing with the mother drum?
Have you seen me
In a dancing arena?
Cut off this rope.

Free my hands and feet
I want to clap my hands
And sing for my children
So that they may dance
I want to drum the wall
With my hands
I want to jump up
And dance....

Let me beat the rhythm
Of the orak dance
Let my wife shake
Her soft waist before me
And remind of our first meeting
At the dancing arena....
I want to join my hands
At the "get-stuck dance"
I want to suck the stiff breasts
Of my wife's younger sister
I want to wrestle with
With my wife-in-law
And crush the grass
Beyond the arena....
Is today not my father's
Funeral anniversary?

My clansmen and clanswomen
Are gathering in our village
They sit in circles
In the shape of grenaries
But who will make
The welcome speech?

Men drunk with kwete bee
Women cook goat meat
And make millet bread
But I am not here
To distribute the dishes
Among the dishes!
The priests throw morsels
Of chicken meat
They squirt goat blood
And pour libations
To the assembled ghosts
Of the dead
But how can I address
The ghosts of my fathers
From here?

How can they put chimes
On my chest and back?
How can my grandmother
Spit blessing on me?

My age-mates have donned
White ostrich feathers
They are singing a war song
I want to join them
In the wilderness
And chase Death away
From village
Drive them a thousand miles
In the west
Let him sink down
With the setting sun
And never rise again?

I want to join
The funeral dancers
I want to tread the earth
With a vengeance
And shake the bones
Of my father in his grave!

Okot p' Bitek (1931 - 1982) Uganda
Source: AllPoetry

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