
Saturday 12 September 2020

Jakïp dreams about Manas - Anonymous

"Until Manas reaches the age of twelve,
Until he grows into manhood,
Achieves the stature of a brave man,
And takes a spear in his hand
And thrusts it at someone,
Until he can ride his horse faster than a bullet,
Until he puts his bullet-proof mail on,
Until Manas becomes real Manas,
Until he mounts his horse
And freely travels among the people,
Until he establishes an ordo
Among the noble Kyrgyz people,
Until he reaches the age of twelve,
Don't tell anyone,
Don't tell any Kalmyk
That your son's name is Manas!
If you tell someone boastingly
That your son's name is Manas,
Manas' name will be known
And seven years ahead of time
He will surely be inscribed in the record book of the Kakan.
Your famous son Manas will indeed be he,
On the hearing of whose name
The khan of Beijing became furious
And caused mayhem among the people."
Having spoken thus, that person
Disappeared from his sight.

Anonymous (19th century) Kyrgyzstan
Translated by Elmira Köçümkulkïzï1

Note the oral tradition which predates the writing down of this epic poem dates back as far as the 9th century

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