
Sunday 19 July 2020

Because I was brought low - Anonymous

Because I was brought low,
And sin had triumphed quite,
Thou God, all good, didst bow,
And seek me in the night.

And Thou didst lift me up,
For Thou wert lifted high,
When on the Cross Thou gav’st
Thyself for man to die.

Thou Life, Immortal Life!
O, full of sympathy!
Clothed with my flesh Thou cam’st
From Thy felicity.

To burst our mortal bands,
And vanquish in the strife,
And dead, from death arise,
Crowned with immortal life.

To Father and to Son,
To Thee, blest Spirit, praise,
Here on the earth, and there
Where live the endless days.

Anonymous (date unknown but before 20th century) Greece
Translated by Rev. John Brownlie
Hymns From The East, being Centos and Suggestions from the Service Books of the Holy Eastern Church by Rev. John Brownlie, Alexander Gardner, 1907 [Christian Classics Ethereal Library]

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