
Thursday 30 January 2014

Now That Stern Winter Each Blossom Is Blighting - Wenceslaus II

Now that stern winter each blossom is blighting,
And birds in the woodlands no longer we hear,
I will repair to a scene more inviting,
Nor will he repent who shall follow me there.
Instead of the flowers the plain so adorning,
Beautiful fair ones shall bloom like the morning;
O what a vivid and glorious dawning;
Sweet smiles, sprightly converse, the drooping heart cheer.

Dares any one now, as in joy he reposes,
His happy hours crown'd by the smiles of the fair,
Still love and lament for the summer's past roses?
Ill then deserves he a blessing so rare;
Mine be the joys which his heart cannot measure;
Might I behold but my heart's dearest treasure,
Forgotten were all in that exquisite pleasure,
E'en the tale I once told thee,-- forgive it, my fair!

Beautiful one, to my heart ever nearest,
The solace of joy that remaineth to me
Rests in thy favour, thou brightest and dearest,
Me shall thy beauty from misery free;
Long may it cheer me, to happiness guide me,
And O might it be, when thou smilest beside me,
In that blessed moment such joy might betide me,
To touch those bright lips as they smile upon me.

King Wenceslaus II (1271 - 1305) Bohemia (modern day Czech Republic)

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