
Sunday 16 September 2012

The Ballad which Anne Askew made and sang when she was in Newgate - Anne Askew

Like as the armed knight
Appointed to the field
With this world will I fight
And faith shall be my shield.

Faith is that weapon strong
Which will not fail at need
My foes therefore among
Therewith will I proceed.

As it is had in strength
And force of Jesus' way
It will prevail at length
Though devils all say nay.

Faith in the fathers old
Obtained a righteousness
Which makes me very bold
To fear no world's distress.

I now rejoice in heart
Hope bids me to do so
For Christ will take my part
And ease me of my woe.

The Lord says, who so knocks
To them wilt I attend
Undo therefore the locks
And thy strong power send.

More enemies now I have
Than hairs upon my head
Let them not me deprave
But fight thou in my stead.

On thee my care I cast
For all their cruel spite
I set not by their haste
For thou art my delight.

I am not she that lists
My anchor to let fall
For in the drizzling mists
My ship's substantial

Not oft used I to write
In prose nor yet in rhyme
Yet will I show one sight
That I saw in my time.

I saw a royal throne
Where Justice meant to sit
But in her stead was one
Of angry cruel wit.

Absorbed was righteousness
As of the raging flood
Satan in his excess
Sucked up the guiltless blood.

Then thought I, Jesus Lord
When thou shalt judge us all
Hard is it to record
On these men what will fall.

Yet lord I thee desire
For that they do to me
Let them not taste the hire
Of their iniquity.

Anne Askew (1520 - 1546) England
Note: It is not 100% certain this was written by Anne herself.
Anne was tortured and put to death as a heretic

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