
Sunday 15 September 2024

O Saviour, Fount of heavenly life - Rabanus Maurus

O Saviour, Fount of heavenly life, 
Assist us in our earthly strife; 
Thou pitying Virgin, hear our cries, 
And raise us from our miseries. 

Angelic hosts our needs attend; 
Ye holy patriarchs, defend; 
Ye choirs of prophets, by your prayers, 
Protect us from unholy snares. 

Herald of Christ, we call on thee; 
And thou that hold'st the golden key; 
Apostles all, your voice we claim, 
Dissolve the bonds of sin and shame. 

Triumphant martyrs of the Lord; 
Ye holy preachers of the word; 
And virgins chaste; to you we pray; 
Wash all our sinful stains away. 

All ye among the halls of heaven, 
To whom the light of love is given, 
In pity hear our cries, — that we 
The glory of God's face may see. 

All praise and honour, power and love 
To God the Sire who rules above, 
Unto the Son like glory be 
And Holy Ghost eternally. 

Rabanus Maurus (780 - 856) Germany
Translated by Daniel Joseph Donahoe
Source: Early Christian hymns: translations of the verses of the most noted Latin writers of the early and middle ages, Vol 1, by Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Grafton Press, 1908

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