
Sunday 22 September 2024

Faith is a living pow’r from Heav’n - Petrus Herbertus

Faith is a living pow’r from Heav’n
That grasps the promise God hath giv’n,
A trust that cannot be o’erthrown,
Fixed heartily on Christ alone.

Faith finds in Christ whate’er we need
To save or strengthen us indeed,
Receives the grace He sends us down,
And makes us share His cross and crown.

Faith in the conscience worketh peace,
And bids the mourner’s weeping cease;
By faith the children’s right we claim,
And call upon our Father’s name.

Faith feels the Spirit’s kindling breath
In love and hope that conquer death;
Faith worketh hourly joy in God,
And trusts and blesses e’en the rod.

We thank Thee then, O God of Heav’n,
That Thou to us this faith hast giv’n
In Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who is
Our only fount and source of bliss.

And from His fullness grant each soul
The rightful faith’s true end and goal,
The blessedness no foes destroy,
Eternal love and light and joy.

Petrus Herbertus (1530 -1571) Czech Republic
Translated by Catherine Winkworth

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