
Saturday 11 May 2024

My Love - Ryna.S

A suitable life partner is what all women hope and pursue
And a fairy tale handsome prince is usually how it starts
A tall, loving, suave and romantic prince charming
Is what we dream of..

But time has the magic
To alter that pursuit or conquest
And time can truly reveal the true love
Of the person we are bound to marry..

My love, my husband was my closest friend
He started off as my confidant and listener
Who was always there to be a real friend to me
He’s the only one who was able to calm me in time of troubles

From friendship, feeling of love blossomed
It was never planned nor expected
It just happened
Like nature taking its course

But how do I know he’s my true love?
I know because my feelings for him
Bear witness to the authenticity
Of our love being true and real..

I know he’s the one because..
Every time he’s beside me I would feel at ease
Whenever he’s away, I would feel empty
As if a part of me is missing..

When he smiles, I couldn’t resist but smile along
When he’s troubled, my heart would be in a knot
And I want to do whatever I can to ease his worries
And see the smile back on his face..

When we fight, the hearts experience chaos..
But we never fight for long..
We don’t scream or hit each other..
We rationalize.. or most of the time we just keep quiet..

The way we live together
Shows how we suit one another..
Life may have its ups and downs
But it’s getting up bit that’s important..

My love, my husband..
He’s the right man for me..
And I’m the right lady for him..
And may God bless us to be together for as long time permits.

Ryna.S. (20th century) Brunei

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