
Sunday 19 May 2024

De Gloria - Peter Damian

There nor waxing moon nor waning, 
Sun nor stars in courses bright; 
For the Lamb, to that glad city. 
Shines an everlasting light: 
There the daylight beams for ever, 
All unknown are time and night. 

For the saints, in beauty beaming. 
Shine in light and glory pure: 
Crowned in triumph's flushing honours, 
Joy in unison secure; 
And in safety tell their battles 
And their foes' discomfiture. 

Freed from every stain of evil, 
All their carnal wars are done; 
For the flesh made spiritual 
And the soul agree in one: 
Peace unbroken spreads enjoyment, 
Sin and scandal are unknown. 

Here they live in endless being: 
Passingness has passed away: 
Here they bloom, they thrive, they flourish, 
For decayed is all decay: 
Lasting energy hath swallowed 
Darkling death's malignant sway. 

Though each one's respective merit 
Hath its varying palm assigned, 
Love takes all as his possession, 
Where his power hath all combined:
So that all that each possesses 
All partake in, unconfined. 
Christ! thy soldier's palm of honour, 
Unto this, thy city free. 
Lead me, when my warfare's girdle 
I shall cast away from me! 
A partaker in thy bounty. 
With thy blessed ones to be. 

Grant me vigor, while I labour 
In the ceaseless battle pressed. 
That thou mayst, the conflict over, 
Grant me everlasting rest; 
And I may at length inherit 
Thee, my portion, ever blest!

Peter Damian (988 - 1072) Italy
Translated by Athanasius Francis Diedrich Wackerbarth
Source: Songs of the soulSongs of the soul: gathered out of many lands and ages by Samuel Irenaeus Prime

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