
Thursday 16 May 2024

Apple - Grace Chia

          It's                        p               not
   that Adam didn't      l        know what he was
 in for when he took    e   a bite of it; he wanted
it, he coveted it; he wanted to bag her. Didn’t
matter who she was as long as there was a          hole
  in that big apple of hers; it was his worm     looking
    for a hole to dig and she's flashed naked     all the
      time - "That bitch, she really wants me.     See,
        her legs are crossed but when she runs,  she
          keeps jigging those mangoes at me” - So
            Adam took a bite of it, and overcome
            with emotions, choked on his desire,
             and thereafter, she was blamed for
               looking that way  ,though all she
                 really, really      did, was run.

Grace Chia (born 1973) Singapore

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