
Monday 1 April 2024

On Spring - Lâmiî Çelebi

From the pleasure, joy, and rapture of this hour,
In its frame to hold its soul earth scarce hath power.
Rent its collar, like the dawning, hath the rose;
From its heart the nightingale sighs forth its woes.
Dance the juniper and cypress like the sphere;
Filled with melody through joy all lands appear.
Gently sing the running brooks in murmurs soft;
While the birds with tuneful voices soar aloft.
Play the green and tender branches with delight,
And they shed with one accord gold, silver, bright.
Like to couriers feet, the zephyrs speed away,
Resting ne'er a moment either night or day.
In that raid the rosebud filled with gold its hoard,
And the tulip with fresh musk its casket stored.
There the moon a purse of silver coin did seize;
Filled with ambergris its skirt the morning breeze;
Won the sun a golden disk of ruby dye,
And with glistening pearls its pocket filled the sky:
Those who poor were fruit and foliage attained;
All the people of the land some trophy gained.

Lâmiî Çelebi [aka Lami'i, real name: Mahmud bin Osman bin Ali en-Nakkaş bin İlyas Lamii] (1472 - 1532) Turkey
Translator not stated
Source: The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Vol. VI: Medieval Arabia, Charles F. Horne, ed., (New York: Parke, Austin, & Lipscomb, 1917)

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