
Monday 8 April 2024

Horses wade in the Nemunas - Bernardas Brazdzionis

horses wade in the Nemunas
they drink flowing fog
they drink the morning
floating on the Nemunas
stones from ruins rest on the bottom
rolling for ages from the high banks
fires sleep on the bottom
old swords rust
pressed in the shallows
moans of the drowned are quiet
horses wade in the Nemunas
they drink flowing fog
they drink the morning
floating on the Nemunas

Bernardas Brazdzionis (1907 - 2002) Lithuania
Translated by: Jonas Zdanys
Source: A European Collection of Social Poetry and Art (1800-1950) by Elba Partnership, 2008

Nemunas - a river that rises in central Belarus and flows through Lithuania then forms the northern border of Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia's western exclave

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