
Sunday 3 March 2024

Fouzti, prayer poem - Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba

O you my Lord may glad tiding forever be on Jesus and on His Mother Mary throughout this Poem. 
O You Who Said: Make no distinctions between any of My Prophets!

She, the Virgin Mary succeeded by being the Recipient of Goodness. She is the Leader of the righteous women. O Mary! You surpassed the women of spirituality in the eyes of Allah, He who cannot be comprehended .The Master of "Be and it is" Gave unto you one of the Best Prophets who is beyond criticism.

Through You the Virgin Mary the People of Faith succeeded by not worshipping idols.

It was not hidden from the believers that you were the Beloved of those who submitted their wills to God.

O Mother of the righteous! You were protected from Idol Worship; this is the reason which leads me to praising you. You have received glad tiding and Joys from your Lord, and everyone realized that.

I turn unto you today for lasting spiritual nourishments. My inner Soul is satisfied without even striving for such a thing.

O Mary! You are from the Honored Family. There is no Mother as Holy as you. You are the One who deserves respect. O Mary! You have never turned toward associating partners to God. Our Generous Lord has showered his Endless Grace on Your Son Jesus, he has as gained what he strove for in consideration the One who cannot be deciphered. I seek from You Mary to gain through your Love a Continuous Contentment and be close to you.

O Mary! By the Lord the Cosmic orbits, The God of "Be and It is", Allah, I seek that my Poem be in your name, One that brings steadfastness and that it improves the performance of my Islamic religious rite.

O Mary, Mother of the Spirit of God; Mother of the One who brings light unto the dark, your Son did not die on the Cross. He is with the Exalted One, Allah.

In Your Name, Allah the Glorious God has granted Blessings to the believers. And also in the name of your Son the shield against misguidance, He, Allah has opened the gates leading to the Gardens of Heavens.

O Mary! Take my gift without rejecting it. O Mother Mary! Accept my gifts as you have been accepted by God the Generous, out of the good fortune of those who seek His Blessings O you my Lord! Comfort the Eyes from crying and make this Poem, O Lord, among the best that will be sung by the wide-eyed companions of Heavens .O Mary! You are with no doubts one of them.

O You who are always sought for help! Glory be to Your Lord (ALLAH), the Lord of Honor May peace be on Mohamed (PBUH)! All Praises to the Lord of the Universe! All praises to Allah (ALLAH), The Master of the worlds! May Blessings be on all Prophets! Glory to Allah, to the Master of the Universe!

Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba (1850 - 1927) Senegal
Translator not stated

PBUH - Peace be upon him

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