
Sunday 11 February 2024

The Alleluiatic Sequence - Notker Balbulus

Come, let us all sing out the song of praise, 
Swelling in thanks to our eternal Lord, 

Let the rejoicing choirs of heaven unite, 
And lift their golden voices to the strain, 

Sounding along the fields of Paradise 
Shall ring the music of the blessed throngs, 

The jubilee of everlasting stars 
Shall give their shining answer to the song, 

Let cloud, wind, lightning and the rolling thunder, 
Mingle their tones in solemn harmony, 

River and ocean, rain and gale and calm, 
Summer and winter, field and grove shall sing, 

The birds of every plumage first shall raise 
Loud praises to their Maker in sweet songs. 

Then all the beasts shall lift their various voices, 
And give eternal answer to the praises, 

Thou, too, O deep of ocean, shout in joy, 
Nor silent, you, ye continents, remain, 

Let every man exulting, sing sweet psalms, 
While thanks unending rise to God on high, 

So as we shout the canticles of joy, 
The praise shall bring delight unto his ear, 

And so the heavenly tunes that we upraise 
Be pleasing to the Saviour's tender heart, 

Then, brethren, lift your voices and rejoice, 
And you, ye little children, answer forth, 

Now to the Father Alleluia sing, 
To Jesus Alleluia, and the Spirit, 

Sing praises to the eternal Trinity, 
Sing in the cleansing baptism of the Lord, 

Notker Balbulus (840 - 912) Switzerland
Translated by Daniel Joseph Donahoe
Source: Early Christian hymns, Series I: translations of the verses of the early and middle ages
by Daniel Joseph Donahoe, Donahoe pub. co, 1911

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