
Wednesday 21 February 2024

Master builders all - J.L. Blackett

Each one or us a Master Builder is,
Each in his place pressing onward still
With main and might, with brawn and brain;
Each builds to spread the Nation‘s fame.

Each one can help to build a state
Where justice, love, and peace do make
The semblance of a garden rich and rare
Where each takes interest, and all do care.

We build our nation Lord, On Thee
That all our efforts men may see -
Are aimed to glorify Thy name
And rear a people free from shame.

We pray for strength and courage bold,
To greet each problem and to mould
With zest and seal, with faith and love
A nation‘s pride, a nation's hope.

Like men and women with purpose clear,
We work to build a nation fair,
There each doth from the other draw
Fresh courage for the coming day.

So then, together let us build
A Nation great, a nation dear;
Where goodness, truth and love abound
Where UNITY is ever found.

J.L. [Joseph Livingstone] Blackett (1913 - 1979) Belize (born in Barbados)
Source: Belizean Poets Belize National Library Service, date unknown but possibly 1977

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