
Thursday 1 February 2024

Child of war - Salomėja Nėris

O child of war, preserve your weapon,
For future children let it stay,
For they will come and ask their question
What was the world like in our day?

For them, born under stars more lucky,
It will be hard to understand
How could the sky have been exploded
As battles raged on sea and land?

How, flowing black with blood, could rivers,
Rock, bridges, bombs had battered down?
They’ll never see it as you who never
Saw sunshine in the world around.

Preserve your weapon, little eagles,
Of many a battle it will tell
Of days ferocious and heroic
For a grandson to remember well.

Salomėja Nėris [Salomėja Bačinskaitė-Bučienė] (1904 - 1945) Lithuania
Translated by Dorian Rottenberg

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