
Saturday 30 December 2023

Two blackbirds - Bessiki

Two blackbirds sitting in a cage chant melody
With soothing sounds that tremble on the fragrant air
In numbers soft that swell in music sweet and sad,
Filling the bower with love and purest harmony.

Their song welcomes the coming of the verdant spring,
Floats o'er the field and sighs among the blossoming trees,
Tells of the flowers that bloom in other lands and of
The love and hopes that to the soul sweet longings bring.

Through the soft silence of the cloister the glossy
Plumed blackbirds with their drooping heads and hanging wings,
Sit watchful in their covert and together sing
With rival notes that fill the soul with ecstasy.

O come and see the two that shining black adorns,
Who gently tune their voices to complaints of love.
Their musical, most melancholy lays dissolve
The heart of him who hopeless weeps and ever mourns.

Bessiki [Bessarion Gabashvili] (1751 — 1791) Georgia
Source: Anthology of Georgian Poetry, Translated by Venera Urushadze, State Publishing House, 1958

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